Latest Bathroom Color Ideas
Light Tones
If your bathroom is small then do not use too dark shades as it will further make the space look small. You can either use natural and earthy tones or bright colors to brighten up the interiors. With the use of such colors the whole space will become more open. Bright or light pink, pale, light blue, golden are the shades that can be used. It is also advisable to use the simple and light accessories. Like instead of shower cubicles you can use the hand showers and the one that can be fitted to the wall for more open space.
Deep Colors
Use deep colors like red, maroon or other such hues in case you have a large bathroom. This will give more convergent and collective look rather than an expanded one. You can also use different wall color. A wall that is you first see after entering the bathroom can be painted in dark color and the rest can be given light colors. Check out the color shades from different stores and work on the color selection. Or you can also buy the sample color and apply it to one portion of the wall to check if it works or not. Paint samples are not expensive. It is thus a very cost effective way to select the right color and shade for your bathroom.
Blue is the most popular of all bathroom colors. It is the most inspirational and larger than life color as nature has given it to sky and water in the oceans. So you will feel the coolness and openness of this shade.
If you are an eco loving person then you can pick the green color as there is nothing more soothing than this color. Wonder why our eyes feel relaxed when see greenery. Same is the effect of green paint on bathroom walls. So for cooler and calmer environment pick the green color.
Yellow to Orange Hues
If you are life loving person who checks and sees the brighter side of life then pick the hues and tones of yellow to orange color. These color tones are of Sun that gives us energy and light. You bathroom will be more brighter than ever with the yellow color. But if you are person who gets irritated very easily and owns a short tempered nature then try using some cooler colors rather than the bright ones.
You can use the red color if you need attention. Red color will make the eyes turn around to itself. You must have noticed that in a big room if you will keep the red rose then everyone will ask for it. It is because of the attention grabbing quality of the color. But do not over use it as this is an energy rich color. You can paint one of the bathroom wall in this color and then pick the contrasting bathroom accessories.
Purple color is associated with royalty and wealth. Use this color carefully in the bathroom for more positive effect as overuse of purple color can lead to fake and artificial atmosphere.
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