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8 Exhilarating hydrotherapy whirlpool and spa baths from Victorian plumbing

Posted By jeon On 12:18 AM Under
The latest FAD in the market of bathroom baths is the designer bathroom spa, with trendy and relaxing hydrotherapy whirlpool spa baths. A spa bath fulfils the need of de-stressing and being up in action for the day. The whirlpool baths have a complete massaging jet system which ensures the soothing of your muscles with a great water massage.

1. Valencia Hydrotherapy Bath Comfort Model

Valencia bath

The whirlpool free standing baths have specially designed therapeutic underwater lamps that light up the bath to create an exhilarating ambience and an ultimate relaxing mood.

2. Roma Hydrotherapy Bath Comfort Mode

ROMA bath

The bath has special jets which massage your body and have a therapeutic or a healing effect. It also has an automatic self draining system. This ensures that dirty water is not left to stagnate and allow the build up of harmful bacteria

3. Roma Hydrotherapy Bath Deluxe Model

ROMA bath dx

A bath in the whirlpool spa bath relieves you of any problems such as insomnia, fatigue or any of the body aches. It is complete relaxing recluse for those who lead a hectic life and want to start each day feeling fresh and energetic.

4. Napoli Hydrotherapy Bath Comfort Model

Napoli bath

All the whirlpool models have stunning mono mixer taps included which allow manual hot and cold water regulation. They also have manual water diverter which enables the flow to be changes from waterfall to handheld shower.

5. Monaco Hydrotherapy Bath Deluxe Model

monaco bath

All the deluxe models of the bath are fitted with a Thermostatic Water Heater which enables presetting water temperature on a touch screen control panel.

6. Monaco Hydrotherapy Bath Deluxe TV Model

monaco bath tv

The Thermostatic Water Heating device maintains a constant water temperature throughout the duration of your bathing time.

7. Milano Hydrotherapy Bath Comfort Model

Milano bath

All the models of the whirlpool spa baths have specially designed head rests and thus make bathing more comfortable and a pleasurable experience

8. Firenza Hydrotherapy Bath Comfort Mode

Firenza bath

All the beautiful whirlpool spa bath models on Victorian Plumbing are all well designed and of extremely high quality. They not only provide a relaxing bath but are great stress buster products. With most of the people leading a very hectic and stress full life more and more health issue are arising. So now with spa baths every day, one can relive oneself from all the stress, anxiety and fatigue and rejuvenate for a fulfilling day; thus curbing most of the health problems and staying fit.

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