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Eun Ji Byeon's Turn Faucet just dial and save water

Posted By jeon On 11:27 PM Under
Eun Ji Byeon's Turn Faucet

Have you ever tried to measure the amount of water you waste on regular basis? I am happy to know that at last someone realised it. I am talking about Eun Ji Byeon's Turn Faucet, which has been designed keeping “Eco-precision” mind. There was a time when we never realise the amount of water that is wasted while washing our hands keeping the bath taps on. However, today everything has been changed. Eun Ji Byeon's Turn Faucet arrives with a dialer and has settings like 5, 10 and 15 seconds. You need to dial the seconds you want to keep the water running and it will automatically be stopped once your time is over.

Eun Ji Byeon's Turn Faucet

Finally, the source that used to wastewater will help us save water. Isn’t it? Let us hope more designers start with the “Green” bandwagon so that we can get a sustainable future.

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